I feel like I'm on a treadmill that never really stops. It's stressing me like crazy. Here's what's on my mind right now.
1. There's a weird smell in my bathrooms. That's great, because I'm trying to sell this place. The smell is a mix between mildew and thousands of dollars in plumbing bills. Hopefully, it's just some water under the house. I can deal with that. But, while I'm waiting, I'll just stress over it. Fun.
2. The kids both stink. They really needed baths tonight, but we got home late, and it just didn't happen. So, I have two smelly angels. I hope that Maggie won't wake up and want to get in the bed with me, but she probably will. I love her, but she's much more cuddly when she's fresh from the bathtub.
3. We had pizza tonight, and we're having pizza tomorrow night. And, we'll probably have french fries on Friday night. Sorry. Maybe somewhere in there the kids will have a couple of bites from an apple. Maybe.
4. I just paid some bills. Looking at the bank account is sure fun. I'm ready for two incomes again.
I guess that's it. And, I guess that's really not too bad. I mean, I have a house to worry about. My kids are awesome, even if they do sort of smell like garbage right now. Pizza covers dairy, breads, veggies, and proteins. (Sure.) And, in 6 short weeks, I'll have two incomes....and more bills.
What????? Six weeks???? I'm getting married in six weeks???? I've been saying 9 weeks. Whoops. I can't even begin to think about what still needs to be done.